Evie's Story
Pre op. After a troubled pregnancy Evie was born at 39 weeks weighing 5lb 15oz. To us she had arrived safely and all was well. As time went on I realized Evie wasn't reaching her milestones for her age group. She didn’t sit up until she was one and didn’t walk until she was two. When she did put her feet to the floor to walk that’s when I knew there was something not quite right. In November 2011 when Evie was 2 years and 3 months our lives changed forever as we discovered the devastating news that Evie had been diagnosed with mild cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia. Evie was given piedro boots, shoe inserts and went from one tall AFO to two AFO’S in a short space of time. Evie could walk short distances independently. Evie remained flat footed but her feet rotated inwards and her knees pushed back like she was hyper extending every step she took. Evie used to lose her balance, fall, trip and experienced discomfort daily. Evie was fatigue constantly. At the age of 4 Evie recognized she couldn’t keep up with her friends. Evie wasn’t putting on weight and was put on build up drinks.
We found out about the operation and did a lot of research. We also spoke to other SDR Families and decided to go for it. After 9 months of fundraising we raised the monies and flew to America where we handed Evie into the care of Dr Park, the miracle worker.
Post op. We are now 7 months post op (march 2014). Evie’s feet were always cold, in recovery they were warm. Two days after surgery Evie said to her Dad “My legs don’t hurt anymore”. Evie had kinesio tape on her legs for 4 months as there was a slight flick back but with learning to use her new legs and strengthening they are now perfect. Dr Park said the reason for her knees flicking back was spasticity not hyper mobility. Evie’s legs are straight and wears shoe inserts only. She can walk a lot further. She can now run and ride a bike. Evie rarely falls over and the fatigue is much better. Evie can nearly do things just like her friends. The interesting thing is since surgery it’s the first time she put any weight on for a very long time. She continues with her build up drinks. We still attended physio sessions, swim and bike ride once a week. We also stretch her daily and do a little physio at home with her.
We found out about the operation and did a lot of research. We also spoke to other SDR Families and decided to go for it. After 9 months of fundraising we raised the monies and flew to America where we handed Evie into the care of Dr Park, the miracle worker.
Post op. We are now 7 months post op (march 2014). Evie’s feet were always cold, in recovery they were warm. Two days after surgery Evie said to her Dad “My legs don’t hurt anymore”. Evie had kinesio tape on her legs for 4 months as there was a slight flick back but with learning to use her new legs and strengthening they are now perfect. Dr Park said the reason for her knees flicking back was spasticity not hyper mobility. Evie’s legs are straight and wears shoe inserts only. She can walk a lot further. She can now run and ride a bike. Evie rarely falls over and the fatigue is much better. Evie can nearly do things just like her friends. The interesting thing is since surgery it’s the first time she put any weight on for a very long time. She continues with her build up drinks. We still attended physio sessions, swim and bike ride once a week. We also stretch her daily and do a little physio at home with her.